nose plastic surgery

Rhinoplasty in iran

Rhinoplasty in iran

Rhinoplasty in iran

There are various reasons for performing this cosmetic surgery in Iran; some people perform rhinoplasty to repair the nose after an injury, to solve breathing problems or congenital defects and dissatisfaction with the appearance of the nose.

The changes that are made during rhinoplasty are as follows:

  • Change in size
  • Change in angle
  • Changing the shape of the tip of the nose
  • Straighten the nasal septum
  • Similarity and reduction of nostrils

Rhinoplasty, like other surgeries, may have possible risks including infection, bleeding, or a bad reaction to anesthesia.

The risks of rhinoplasty are:

  • Respiratory problems
  • Nose bleeding
  • Numbness of the nose
  • Asymmetry

Sometimes, for various reasons, some patients are not satisfied with their surgery and want to do it again.

To perform the second surgery, you must wait until the nose is completely healed and perform the second surgery. You must wait at least one year to have surgery again in Iran.

Preparation for nose surgery in Iran

Before any action, you should consult your surgeon. During this meeting, various factors are considered by the doctor to find out whether you are a candidate for surgery or not.

cosmetic surgery

During this meeting, the following issues will be discussed:

Medical record

The most important question that the doctor asks you is about your motivation and purpose for rhinoplasty in Iran. They will also ask questions about your medical records.

For example, you should discuss with your doctor any history of nasal obstruction, surgeries, and any medications you are taking.

If you have a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia, you may not be a good candidate for surgery.

Physical examination

The doctor will prescribe tests for you to evaluate important things before the operation. He will examine other parts including the face, inside and outside of the nose.

During these examinations, it is determined what changes the doctor should make to suit your face.

Taking pictures of the nose

In the clinic, the nose is photographed from different angles. Sometimes, with the help of software, they make changes in the photo to show what changes will take place in your nose.

The doctor uses the photos taken to evaluate before and after nose surgery.

Discuss your expectations

You talk about your expectations and goals. According to your expectations from the operation, the doctor will explain to you whether the things you want are possible or not.

How to use drugs

Avoid taking Aspirin or Ibuprofen (Pain killers)  for two weeks before and after rhinoplasty in Iran.

Taking these drugs increases the risk of bleeding. Only medications approved by your surgeon should be taken. In no case should you take herbal medicines and over-the-counter supplements without consulting your doctor.

If you smoke, you should stop smoking because smoking slows down the healing process after surgery and increases the possibility of infection.

Rhinoplasty surgery process in Iran

This cosmetic surgery can be done in a hospital, doctor’s office, or an outpatient surgery center. Depending on the doctor’s discretion, local or general anesthesia is considered.

If a simple surgery, local anesthesia is considered for the patient. For general anesthesia, the drug must be inhaled or given through an IV to induce anesthesia.

In Iran, nose job or rhinoplasty is done by a small incision inside  or outside the nose at the base of the nose, between the nostrils. Changes are made in the bones and cartilage under the skin of the nose.

If the wall between the two sides of the nose is bent or crooked (deviation), the surgeon will correct it to improve breathing.

After the surgery, you will be placed in the recovery room, actually the part where your general condition will be monitored until you regain consciousness.

In most cases, patients need to be hospitalized.  You can return home one or two weeks after the surgery.


Recovery after rhinoplasty in Iran

After the surgery, a plastic or metal splint is placed on the nose. The splint placed over the nose helps the nose maintain its new shape while it heals. They also put tampons inside the nose to keep the septum between the nostrils fixed.

You will stay in the recovery room for at least several hours after surgery. If the doctor approves, you can return home after a week.

To reduce bleeding and swelling, you should put your head above the chest and rest. Usually, splints or dressings placed on the nose should remain in place for at least a week.

Sometimes the doctor uses absorbable stitches that do not need to be pulled. If the stitches are not absorbable, you should see your doctor again one week after surgery to have the stitches removed.

The doctor may tell you to avoid special activities for  few weeks to recover after nose surgery:

  • Running and other vigorous activities
  • Swimming
  • Blowing your nose
  • Excessive chewing
  • Pulling the clothes on the head
  • Vigorous brushing of the teeth

Laughing or other facial expressions that require a lot of facial movements.

Do not expose to direct sunlight. Exposure to sunlight changes the color of the skin around the nose.

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